Sunday, September 25, 2011

High Five - Share Your Faith Workshop

Tour Guides ..... that's what all helpers at VBS are called. Our task is not only to show the children New York City and how to connect faith and life BUT we are called to share our own FAITH with the children and their families.

We are looking at approximately 100 children from unchurched families who will be coming to visit our Church at VBS this year. Please remember them in your daily prayers and let's pray for one another to do the best that we can in our Lord's commission and our mission this year at VBS.

FBC is known by other churches for VBS as through the years, FBC has helped many churches with recycled VBS materials and training for their VBS. So we believe that we have many experienced and capable Tour Guides in our midst for VBS.

So, what do the Tour Guides lack ..... or need ??

Well, working hand in hand with EE for Fam Day as well - an evangelistic VBS cannot just depend on members of EE on Fam Day. Surely every Tour Guide must be equipped to share. So this year's VBS training is the High Five - Share Your Faith Workshop on the 8th October 2011 9:30am.

Every Tour Guide MUST attend. And because you are serving at VBS, we are paying the RM10 registration fee for you.

See everyone of you there !! 

VBS 2011 Committe

VBS Volunteer's Meeting (24 September) photos


Friday, September 23, 2011

First VBS Volunteers Meeting - 24th September 2011

Hi there, Tour Guides !

Many of us are buzy preparing for Tomorrow - I know our Bible Study Facilitators are preparing for their Group Break-out. They must be so excited as they have so much to share from their study and reading of the VBS Guidebook.

I know some of you are not teaching Bible Study - but it is compulsory that every VBS volunteer/helper does the Bible Study and Devotion. The Bible Study devotions are already posted and we at VBS Comm cannot emphasize enough how important it is that each and everyone of us study the Bible for VBS.

For our VBS to be effective, everyone must contribute and do their part - studying the Bible, praying and living out God's Word and teachings especially during VBS Week itself.

So if anyone is unable to attend our very, very important Meeting tomorrow - you have to work extra hard and download the VBS Videos to watch yourselves. Also read up and catch up. The links to the video is below :

Then please also peruse these videos especially for your respective VBS site :

We pray that as you run though the VBS material and prepare yourselves for VBS, you will draw closer and CONNECT with God. We pray that together we are able to put together a VBS that is God-centered, Bible-saturated and Spirit-filled.

Hands & hearts for Christ Jesus,
Poh Gek

Class & Rotation Site List

*Names in purple are committee members helping out

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Getting Ready for VBS 2011

Hi Everyone,

We've been pretty slack this year for VBS this year as though we are so passionate and always excited about VBS, we thought we would give everyone time and space to volunteer and serve in other ministries in our Church or spend more time on Bible reading/study and just enjoying time with our Lord ....... all in prep for VBS 2011.

So now we are in September and with less than three(3) months to go, time to pick up speed with our reserved energies and accelerate to the Big Apple Adventure VBS !

It was a good response from many for you especially returning volunteers in our Recruitment Month of July. VBS 2011 Committee didn't really drive the recruitment and so it is to be expected that there are still a number of vacant positions yet to be filled.

As you run through the List that will be uploaded on this Blog soon, please pray daily that the vacant positions will be quickly filled. As we go nearer to VBS, I am sure more people are able to commit their time to serve.

Meantime, a gentle reminder that for a fruitful VBS, we need to be God-centered, Bible driven and Spirit-filled. So please do start the VBS Bible Devotions for the 5 days. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is for every VBS helper. The Bible Devotions for all 5 days must be done by ALL (not only those who are teaching Bible Study; not only adult helpers but includes youth helpers as well).

Before we can impact the kids at VBS, we must seek the Lord's Word on this and allow Him to impact us so that we may be fruitful in our sharing with the kids.

So let's spend time on His Word and meditate on His teachings together.

Make the Connection!
     Day 1 : Connect with Faith !
The Centurion Acts in Faith (Matthew 8:5-13)
The centurion had faith in Jesus' divine authority to heal.

     Day 2 : Connect with Love !
A Woman responds with Love (Luke 7:36-38,44-48)
A woman responded to Jesus with an extravagant expression of love.

     Day 3 : Connect with Trust !
Nicodemus Chooses to Trust (John3:1-18; 19:38-42)
Nicodemus was challenged to trust Jesus as his Saviour and Lord.

     Day 4 : Connect with Others !
The Samaritan Woman Tells Others
(John 4:1-30; 39-42)
The Samaritan woman was quick to go and tell others about her encounter with Jesus.

     Day 5 : Connect with Life !
The Disciples Receive Instruction (Acts 1:1-11)
The disciples were challenged by Jesus to live their lives as His witnesses.

I would suggest everyone read the Bible passages and then refer to the Bible Devotions supplied.

May the Lord bless us and our families as we serve Him, grant us protection against the evil one and show us His favour and grace ........

In His Love,
Poh Gek
VBS 2011 Principal