Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 4 Photos.


Day 4, a set on Flickr.

Cityscape Waffles on Day 2 of our VBS

I don't know about the kids ...... but there sure were plenty of people asking for the recipe for the Waffles. Those waffles were sure delicious. I had mine plain - it already had lemon in the dough and I don't have a sweet tooth so there was no need for jam, peanut-butter etc.

Anyhow, by popular demand and thanks to Maureen for generously sharing her recipe with us - here it is :

(recipe for 8-10 pieces)

125gm butter/margarine
75 gm sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
 4 egg yolks
 1/4 litre milk
 25o gm sifted flour
1 tbsp lemon rind
 4 egg white

1. Beat butter with the sugar till creamy
2. Add in egg yolks - beat further -
3. Slowly add in milk and flour and mix gently till the batter is smooth
4. Beat egg white till stiff
5. Add in the vanilla essence and lemon rind
6. Fold in the egg white to make a light batter
7. Cook the batter in waffle irons and serve with ice-cream, chocolate cream, jam and/or peanut butter.

Do have a try - it is said that practice makes perfect ..... and next year, we shall have more cooks to make waffles for the kids at VBS.

Poh Gek

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 3 photos!


Day 3, a set on Flickr.

Day 3: Connet with Trust

We are already on the third day of our amazing adventure here at the Big Apple! Today was also known as ‘ABC’ (Admit, Believe, Confess) day.
As usual, we started off with the Negaraku, pledging to the Rukun Negara and the Bible. Then, the music team introduced to the Tourists Day 3’s song, “Why Don’t You”.

We had 2 special guests today. First was “the Statue of Liberty” that can move and talk. He told us that Tourists are going to learn about trusting Jesus today. The other guest was Nicodemus. He told us how he connected with trust to Jesus. At Battery Park, Tourists had a great Bible study (John 3:1-18; 19 38-42) as they learn more about Nicodemus and how he chooses to trust Jesus. Like him, we too can trust Jesus as our Saviour.

The Tourists had an awesome fun-time at Playground 1017. Here, they played “Taxi blow out”.
The hip-hop beat of “Why Don’t You” got the Tourists and their Tour Guides moving to the grooves of the song at Music Backstage.
Missions Central today brought Tourists to the South Bronx of New York City. This is where Andrew Mann and his dog, Proof evangelizes to the children at this rough neighbourhood. Andrew would tell them about Jesus and that they can trust Him as their Saviour. Tourists also learnt that here at FBC, we have a Local Mission Ministry where under privileged kids get help in their schoolwork and learn more about Jesus.
Tourists were energized and refueled after their snack at Midtown Snacks. Today’s menu was High Rise Egg Sandwich with fries and ABC Ice Kacang.
Craft time was lots of fun at Crafts District too as the Tourists made the “Torch of Trust”. Each colour of the flame of the torch has a meaningful story behind it.

Today was all about the ABCs: Admit that we are sinners and repent from our sins, Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and Confess our faith in Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. For God love the world in this way: He gave His One and Only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life - John 3:16.

Photo session tomorrow! A gentle reminder to everyone to come in your VBS t-shirts with big smiles. See you tomorrow for another day at the Big Apple Adventure!