Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 2: Connect with Love

Another fun-filled day at VBS! We began with the Tourists and their Tour Guides gathered at the courtyard area just before they marched into Worship Rally at Times Square. Today’s Day 2 song is entitled “Love You More”. But everyone seems to just love our Big Apple Adventure theme song. Everyone was moving and shaking expressing God’s love to one another.

During Bible Study at Battery Park, Tourists learnt about how they can connect with love. They were told of a story of a woman who responds to Jesus with love. Like her, we can show great love to Jesus as well! Today’s Bible story is taken from Luke 7:36-38, 44-48.

Soon after, more adventures at the different rotation sites lay ahead for the Tourists at the Big Apple Adventure!

Midtown Snacks served Cityscape Waffles with toppings, Ice-cream and a yummy Chocolate drink. Mmm… so very appetizing – thanks to the aunties who prepared them.

Tourists at Playground 1017, challenged other teams in games called “Brooklyn Bridge” and “Loop-de-Loop”. At Music Backstage, Tourists learnt the fast and tricky actions to the upbeat melody of “Love You More”.

It was enlightening to hear about Chris Julian and Zoe Church at Missions Central. The both of them connected with college students with love by meeting with them in places where they regularly hang out. Christ’s love is reflected by the relationships built with the students. Likewise, the International Student Ministry (ISM) of FBC shows love to international students who are studying at nearby colleges.

At Crafts District, the craft of the day was the ‘Big Apple Ornament’. Included in every Tourists’ ornament is today’s Bible verse taken from 1 John 4:19 – We love because He first loved us.

There are many ways we can  show our love for Jesus. God’s love for us is unconditional demonstrated by sending Jesus to save us. Just like how Jesus loves us, we can also show His love to those around us, be it our friends, neighbours or even strangers.

VBS Family Day this coming Saturday (26 November)! Hope to see you and your parents there with us.

Till we grab a cab to the Big Apple again tomorrow! See you!

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