Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 1: Connect with Faith

It was a cool and nice morning as the 1st day of Vacation Bible School 2011 – Big Apple Adventure, kicked off. Following the theme of one of the world’s famous tourist’s attraction, the children in VBS are known as Tourists, while the helpers are the Tour Guides.

All of the Tourists came in the morning with much excitement as they awaited the adventures ahead of them. Though the registration booths were chaotic, Tour Guides were able to group their Tourists together according to their classes and marched in to the Worship Rally at Times Square.

Here, we started off with singing the National Anthem and pledging to the Rukun Negara and the Bible. Tourists also got to sing and dance to the VBS theme song, “Big Apple Adventure” and Day 1’s song, “By Faith”.

Shortly after that, they were guided to their respective classes for Bible Study at Battery Park. Today, they read and studied a Bible story from Matthew 8:5-13. It is about how a Centurion acted in Faith. Tourists also learnt that they too can connect with faith.

Throughout the day, Tourists went to various rotation sites when the VBS Bell rang. At Crafts District, Tourists had a creative time making the ‘Faith Cityscape Foldout’ to remind them that they can always have faith in Jesus Christ. 

It was definitely a fun time of recreation at Playground 1017. Tourists were filled with energy as they played a game called ‘Lost in New York’. Some of them were blind folded and they were to have faith in their friends to guide them through obstacles. 

Meanwhile at Music Backstage, Tourists were taught of the steps to the song “By Faith”. 
At Missions Central, Tourists were introduced to Ben Hayes who showed faith in God to start a church in the Houston Medical Centre area. Through this, many people in that medical community are hearing about Jesus. Similarly, our home grown missionary Anita Loi shared her courage and faith in God to minister to the kids in Cambodia.

Snack time at Midtown Snacks smelt so good as Tourists got a taste of the delicious ManHOTten Dog along with Jesus Trail Mix and Playground Punch.

All throughout the day, Tourists and Tour Guides were reminded that we can have faith in Jesus and as it  is stated in the Bible; So, faith comes from what is heard,  and what is heard comes through the message about Christ (Romans 10:17).

See all of you again tomorrow on the second day at the Big Apple Adventure!

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