Thursday, November 10, 2011

NEW YORK is a City of eight million people who speak hundreds of languages and represents many different cultures. In this city teeming with people and vibrant cultures, our Creator, God knows each and every person there by name. He wants to CONNECT each and every person there with His son, Jesus Christ.

This is the exciting destination and theme for our Vacation Bible School (VBS) this year. Jesus connected with many people; He encountered with people who demonstrated their faith, their love and their trust. By His own example, we are challenged to reach out to all walks of people and to all nations. We are commissioned to be missionaries to the world.

Today, we are missionaries and we need only to walk across the street to meet and share with our own neighbours. We are to connect our faith and our life, just like the characters in the Bible who came to cross-roads in their life - and they stepped out in faith to make a personal connection with Jesus Christ. Syabas to many of you who are already doing this every year for VBS!

This year's VBS theme also challenges our Church to CONNECT with people and seeks us to do more. The lyrics of the first day's song By Faith reminds us to obey and walk in God's ways. As the children learn about faith and God's love, they will also come to realise that their task is to obey God. They are to tell others about Him and bring glory to Him in everything that they say and do.

Most exciting is our Missions’ curriculum where the children will witness missionaries at work and how to be like them. Wow! Sounds like something that not only kids should do but what each and every one of us should be doing.

Every year we say that our VBS is an evangelistic one as our Sunday School children are required to bring a “Passport” and we share the message of Jesus with children from unchurched families. This year's VBS theme appears to question why we say our VBS is evangelistic.

Is it enough to just invite children from unchurched families? The VBS curriculum and the songs we are singing in our heads urge us to do more than that. Live it out! Shout it out! We are to step out in faith and to share the message of Jesus with everyone around.

If you have not been able to sign up as a volunteer for VBS this year, please partner us in our evangelistic quest on Saturday, 26th November when we hold our VBS Family Day. Bring your child's “Passport” and the “Passport's” family to our Church.

Seek opportunity to share God's message and your faith with the unchurched family. For... faith comes from what is heard and what is heard comes through the message about Christ; Romans 10:17. (VBS 2011 Scripture)

VBS 2011 Committee

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